Eureka Greens Legislative Agenda
Legislative Agenda
of the Eureka Greens
a Local of the Green Party of Humboldt County (GPHC) covering Eureka, Myrtletown, Cutten, Pine Hill, Humboldt Hill and Samoa
This Legislative Agenda is intended to provide direction in the tactical goals to be sought by Green activists in Eureka, by outlining the creation, alteration or deletion of policies to further the Ten Key Values and the fundamental rights and dignity of all citizens.
A Green Contract and Building Act shall be promulgated which includes the following provisions:a. All individuals and businesses bidding on public contracts must present actual total cost estimates prior to the application for CBDG or HOME funding.
b. All actual total cost estimates shall be independently audited for accuracy prior to the application for CBDG or HOME funding.
c. The use of mark-up sessions to allow for cost overruns shall be phased out of use.
d. All individuals and businesses bidding on public construction projects shall provide a performance bond to constrain them to on-time performance and strict adherence to specifications.
e. City staff shall conduct a new review all housing developments and existing neighborhoods to ensure that proper drainage is provided for, that tenant security is assured, that smoke detection and fire alarm equipment is in good working order and that parking is adequate.
f. All housing constructed with the use of grant funds obtained by the City shall contain at least three fire blocks between all upright timbers (except door and window frames), that all such housing have 200 ampere service in armored cable tubing and that all plumbing carry a 50-year guarantee.
g. Contractors shall be permitted to charge no more than cost plus 20% for on-time performance.
h. All new constructions shall be required to account for the creation of a passive solar hot-water system or other comparable arrangement
i. Preference shall be given to unionized firms in city contracts.
j. All individuals and businesses bidding on public construction projects shall be held contractually responsible for any repair or renovation needed on their project if the situation was caused by failure to adhere to specifications for quality construction.
k. All funding obtained through CBDG or HOME shall be dedicated exclusively to the actual construction of the projects so designated.
l. The construction of floating houses and houseboats should be legitimized, encouraged and further developed in scientific studies and real-world projects as an alternative to building on land.
m. Dust thrown off from public and private construction projects around public waterways should be tightly controlled and tested for toxicity.
n. An investigation of the function of and accounting for the City of Eureka water and wastewater systems should be conducted, as well as their relationship with the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District.
A Patient Protection Act shall be promulgated which includes the following provisions:
a. Medical marijuana patients or their primary caregivers who cultivate medical marijuana in an area within one hundred (100) square feet cumulatively measured by the vegetative canopy of the plants will not be prosecuted.
b. Medical marijuana patients or their primary caregivers who possess three (3) pounds or less of processed usable marijuana will not be prosecuted. Unharvested plants are not to be included in this weight.
c. Medical marijuana patients or their primary caregivers who possess an additional three (3) pounds or less of marijuana products such as tinctures, infusions, oils, and any other marijuana derivatives will not be prosecuted.
d. Medical marijuana patients or their primary caregivers who possess an additional three (3) pounds or less of baked goods and salves will not be prosecuted.
e. No employee of the City shall officially assist or voluntarily cooperate with investigations, interrogations, or arrest procedures, public or clandestine, that would violate the protections for medical marijuana patients or their primary caregivers under, and within provisions of the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 (California Health and Safety Code 11362.5), or of California Health and Safety Code Secs. 11362.7 to 11362.83, or of the Eureka Patient Protection Act.
f. Employees of the City shall promptly notify the City Manager when, in the course of City employment, the following occurs: An employee is contacted by any law enforcement agency and asked to cooperate or assist with an investigation, interrogation, or arrest procedure that would violate the protections for medical marijuana patients or their primary caregivers under, and within provisions of the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 (California Health and Safety Code 11362.5), or of California Health and Safety Code Secs. 11362.7 to 11362.83, or of the Eureka Patient Protection Act. Upon such notification from an employee, or upon such contact directly, the City Manager shall promptly report to the City Council specifying the law enforcement agency seeking cooperation or assistance and the actions requested of the employee.
g. The City shall provide legal defense to any employee who is criminally charged by another entity for his or her actions in compliance with the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 (California Health and Safety Code 11362.5), or with California Health and Safety Code Secs. 11362.7 to 11362.83, or with the Eureka Patient Protection Act.
The movement towards amendments to the Eureka City Charter shall be pursued, to include the following reforms:a. Direct election of City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Police Chief.
b. Ranked Choice Voting, also known as Instant Runoff Voting, for all City elections.
c. Public financing of all elections for every qualified candidate who raises $500 in contributions from at least 50 donors.
d. A Code of Ethics for elected officeholders, to include standards of decorum and provisions for censure.
e. An increase in the number of City Council seats to nine, and an increase in compensation to a living wage level at part-time.
f. Public comment limited to no less than five minutes, with open public comment time of no less than thirty minutes provided near the beginning of every public City Council meeting.
Provisions to reduce the stifling of expression and allow for healthy social interaction shall be sought:a. Repealing Municipal Code sections mandating dance permits.
b. Reduction of hostility to the establishment of dance halls, nightclubs and other such facilities.
c. Removing certain restrictions against smoking, drinking, sitting, lying down, playing music and other forms of expression.
d. Establishing the right to sleep and working with public-private partnerships to create a safe and sustainable campground.
e. Installing public restrooms, lockers and showers in each neighborhood, with multiple covered benches at all bus stops and other points of public congregation, with the cooperation of homeless volunteers for upkeep and maintenance.
f. Incorporating a broader range of public input, including the needs of different age and cultural groups, in public event planning.
g. Uninstallment of surveillance cameras installed on traffic signals along 4th Street and 5th Street.
h. Establishing a City-sponsored free spay-and-neuter program for dogs and cats.
i. Building a homeless outreach center to provide food, counseling, basic services and job placement opportunities.
A Police Review Act shall be promulgated which creates a standing Police Review Commission with the following duties:a. To receive complaints directed against the Police Department and any of its officers and employees, and fully and completely investigate said complaints and make such recommendations and give such advice relating to departmental policies and procedures to the City Council and the City Manager in connection therewith as the commission in its discretion deems advisable.
b. To review and make recommendations concerning all written and unwritten policies, practices and procedures of whatever kind and without limitation, in relation to the Eureka Police Department, other law enforcement agencies and intelligence and military agencies operating within the City, and law enforcement generally, such review and recommendation to extend to, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Treatment of rape victims,
2. Police relationship with minority communities,
3. Police relationship with matriculated, currently enrolled students at College of the Redwoods,
4. Police relationship with victims and witnesses of violent crimes,
5. Programs regarding drug and alcohol abuse,
6. Use of weapons and equipment, including chemical agents and tasers,
7. Use of tactics,
8. Hiring and training,
9. Sanctions,
10. Priorities for policing and patrolling,
11. Budget development,
12. Other concerns as specified from time to time by the City Council.
a. The City of Eureka should catalogue its exact impact on the global problem of greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change, and incorporate mitigation measures in all new public and private developments to sequester carbon.b. The Samoa Pulp Mill should immediately cease and desist from emitting any potentially cancer-causing chemicals or other pollutants in excess of state-established Public Health Goals.
c. Pedestrian and bicycle paths safely separated from vehicular traffic should be incorporated into the design of all major thoroughfares.
d. Eureka’s public transportation routes must be expanded, with early-morning, evening and late-night service incorporated into a system that emphasizes shuttles over buses. Light rail service should be re-established in Old Town.
e. Public facilities in Eureka and surrounding communities should incorporate photovoltaic electric generation.
f. No pesticides, herbicides or other biocides should be used on school or other public grounds.
g. The growing of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) within the City limits must be prohibited.
h. Eureka should pursue the annexations of forest, creek and marsh areas adjacent to municipal territory in order to protect a greenbelt of undeveloped lands and prevent further sprawl of unincorporated communities.
Paul Sanderson, Chair
Eureka Greens, GPHC Local
At 7:24 AM,
Fred Mangels said…
Wow. Pretty hefty agenda you have there.
At 2:58 AM,
rumpledcritic said…
Thank you, we're trying to be comprehensive. Do you have any suggestions on areas of municipal governmetn that we've missed?
At 6:39 AM,
Fred Mangels said…
I'd have to read your whole agenda more thoroughly when I get some time before I could really make suggestions or criticisms.
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